Affenpinscher: A Toy breed, 7-19 pounds.
Afghan Hound: Hound breed. Males: 60 pounds, females: 50 pounds. Keep in mind these
breeds need high maintenance and there ears should be cleaned. No Afghan is ever completely obidient. They require lots of
Airedale Terrier: Terrier, 45 pounds. They don't bark much and require little grooming.
The Airedales love to swim.
Akita: Working, Males: 85-130, Females: 65-110 pounds. They originally hunted
bears in Japan and are now used as police dogs. These dogs tend to be moody.
Alaskan Malmute: Working, Male: 85 pounds, Females: 75 pounds. They are the oldest
artic sled dog. They're named after the Innuit tribe "Mahlemutsin" who lived in Alaska. They don't make good watch dogs.
American Eskimoes: Non-sport, 6-40 pounds. Their coats have 2 layers: Undercoat whihc
is short and dense and the outer which is long. It was a favorite circus dog in the nineteenth centruy.
American Stafford Terrier: Terrier, 57-67 pounds. It was once considered the "all
American dog." It was popular in WW1. They make good watch dogs and love to play.
American Water Spaniel: Sport, Male: 30-45 and females: 25-40 pounds. These dogs
were developed in the United States and are found in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. Barking is sometimes a problem
in these dogs and checking the ears often. They make greta hunters and swimmers.
Anatolian Shepherd: Work, Males: 110-150 pounds Females: 80-120 pounds. They were
first used in Turkey to tend to the livestock.
Australian Cattle Dog: Herding, 35-45 pounds. They have 2 coats. They work
on farms and seldomely bark however, just like border collies, they too require lots of exercise.
Australian Shepherd: Herding, Males: 50-65 pounds and Females: 40-55 pounds. Loves
to herd livestock.
Australian Terrier: Terriers, 1-14 pounds. Developed in the Australian outback. They
control rats and snakes as well as tend the sheep. They're very adaptable.
Basenji: Hounds, Males: 24 pounds, Females: 22 pounds. Best known for their bark,
they don't, but yodel instead. Basenjis are very adaptable.
Basset Hounds: Hounds, 40-60 pounds. They don't like to be alone. Keep ears clean.
These dogs aren't hyper.
Beagle: Hounds, 18-30 pounds. They lived in packs back in the day so they like to
live together. They are great hunters and love the outdoors.
Bearded Collies: Herding, 45-55 pounds. They need plenty of exercise and need to be
Bedlington Terriers: Terriers, 17-23 pounds. They are born dark, but lighten as they
get older (1 year). They have a wooly coat. Best known for killing rats, badgers, otters, and fox. They don't bark much, but
love to jump.
Belgian Malinos: Herding, 60-65 pounds. Make godo watch dogs and are very active.
Belgian Sheepdogs: Herding, 60-65 pounds. Good guide dogs and excellent herders. They
need plenty of exercise.
Barnese Mountain Dogs: Working, Males: 90-120, Females: 70-100 pounds. They easily
attach to one person and seldomly bark. They need plenty of exercise.
Bichon Frise: Non-sporting, 7-12 pounds. They have a padded coat. They bark a lot
and need a lot of exercise.
Black and Tan Coonhound: Hound, 55-75 pounds. They love to hunt, but have a big shedding
problem. You should check the ears often. These dogs love to run.
Bloodhound: Hound. Males: 90-110 pounds, Females: 80-100. These are gentle dogs who
have great noses and bark very loud. Clean ears often. These dogs love to walk and hunt.
Border Collies: Herding, 30-45 pounds. They love to herd and need plenty of exercise.
Border Terriers: Terriers, Males 13-15.5. and Females: 11.5-14 pounds. They are brought
up to catch fox. They are equipped with longer legs then most terriers. They need plenty of exercise.
Borzoi: Hound, Males: 75-105 pounds, Females: 60-85 pounds. Imported in the Umited
States in 1890. They are excellent at lure courses. They enjoy long cold runs and our quiet. Bozois like a lot of room to
Boston Terrier: Non-Sport, 10-15 pounds. These dogs are American bred and love to
Bouvier Des Flandres: Herding, 69-90 pounds. They need exercise. Their ears, nails,
and teeth need a lot of care.
Boxers: Working, Males 65-80 and Females: 50-65 pounds. They have black muzzles. Their
white coloring can never be more then 1/3 of their color. They show a lot of facial expressions and require a lot of exercise.
Briard: Herding, 75-100 pounds. All color are accepted except chestnut. They need
a lot of exercise.
Brittany Spaniel: Sporting, 30-40 pounds. They like to run free.
Brussels Griffon: Toy, 8-10 pounds. These dogs have good expressions, have beards
and like the country side.
Bulldog: Non-Sport, Male: 50 pounds, Females: 40 pounds. They were originally used
for fighting. They enjoy cooler climates and may require an ointment for the face. For the most part they enjoy being couch
Bull Mastiff: Males: 110-130 and Females: 110-120 pounds. Their muzzles are black
and are very tolerant.
Cairn Terriers: Terriers, Males: 14 Females: 13 pounds. Any colors are accepted except
white. They don't like to be pampered, but like to play.
Canaan Dog: Herding, Males: 45-55, Females: 33-44. They have good hearing and an excellent
sense of smell. Clean and easily housebroken. They don't require a lot of exercise, but love to play.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Toy, 10-18 pounds. These dogs can adapt to all kinds
of conditions.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever: Sporting, Males: 65-80 pounds, Females: 55-70 pounds. These
dogs love to swim and run. The males tend to be dominant.
Chihuahua: Toys, 6 pounds. These dogs aren't recommended for cold climates. Their
teeth and nails should be maintained. They love to play and be pampered.
Chinese Crested: Toys, 5-10 pounds. Rget comes in two types: Powder puff or Hairless.
Powder puff have hair on head (Crest), tail (plume), and their feet, (called socks). The hairless kind need lotion and sunscreen
to protect them from the sun. They can adapt well to their surroundings.
Chinese Shar-Pei: Non-Sport, 45-60 pounds. They come in two types, Horsecoat and Brushcoat.
These dogs tend to be quite serious. They need exercise.
Chow Chow: Non-sport, 45-70 pounds. These dogs have both long hair and short hair.
They have serious dogs and love exercise. They hate hot conditions.
Clumber Spaniel: Sporting, Males: 70-85 pounds, Females: 55-70 pounds. The less markings
the better. These dogs have feathering. Spaniels also enjoy retrieving and need good walks.
Cocker Spaniels: Sprting. 24-28 pounds. They hair should never be curly. They are
the most popular dog in the United States. It's important to make sure their ears are clean. They enjoy swimming and need
plenty of exercise.
Collies: Herding, males: 60-75 pounds, females: 60-65 pounds. These dogs have coats
that can either be rough or smooth. They need some kind of play daily.
Dachshund: Hounds, 11-32 pounds. They can be long and short haired. The name, "Dachshund"
means "Badger dog" in German. These dogs need exercise and love to be walked.
Dalmation: Non-sport, 40-60 pounds. Their black spots should be spaced 2-3cm
apart. They need exercise and make good watch dogs. They respond quite well to praise.
Danidi Dinmont Terriers: Terriers, 18-24 pounds. These puppies are darker then the adults. Males
tend to be dominant. They are full of fun and adapt well to their surroundings.
Doberman Pinscher: Working. 65-90 pounds. All coloring should have tan markings.
The coat is sleek. These dogs tend to be very reliable and loyal. You should check their teeth and nails. You
should also keep in mind to never hit a doberman because of the risk of applying pressure on their joints. They
require a lot of exercise.
English Cocker Spaniels: Sporting, Male: 28-34, and Female: 26-32 pounds. These dogs
are very sensitive. Their hair should be maintained. They also like to swim, play and run.
English Setters: Sporting. Males: 60-65 pounds. Females: 50-55 pounds. These are devoted dogs.
Their hair should be trimmed. They need a lot of exercise. They tend to wander so fencing the yard may be best.
English Springer Spaniels: Sporting, Males: 50, Females: 40 pounds. They have drit
and water resistant coats which require maintenance. They get along well with other dogs. They like to swim and adapt well
to their environments.
Field Spaniels: Sporting. 35-50 pounds. These dogs have water resistance coats. They
have a good scent ability and are hard workers. They require lots of exercise. These dogs get attached easily to one person
and are loyal. They require grooming and like the outdoors.
Flat-Coated Retrievers: Sporting, 60-70 pounds. These dogs require a lot of exercise
and try to be friends with everyone. These dogs shouldn't be kept in kennels. They make excellent family dogs, but require
a lot of exercise.
Fox Terrier; Smooth: Terriers, Males: 17-19, Females: 15-17 pounds. Smooth were the
first to develop over wire. They came about in the year 1790. These dogs are loyal, affectionate and courageous. You should
keep your dog well socialized since they try to pick fights with other dogs. One problem with the Fox terrier is that they
bark a lot and have a habit of shedding. These dogs need plenty of exercise.
Fox Terrier, Wire: Terrier, Males: 17-19 pounds, Females: 15-17 pounds. These dogs
are always alert and ready for action. For the most part they are happy dogs who love to play. They have a tendency to nibble.
Most try to be dominant and will pick fights with other dogs. These dogs make good watch dogs and bark a lot. They do, however,
need plenty of exercise.
French Bulldog: Non-sport, 29 pounds. These dogs have wrinkly skin. They are friendly,
sturdy, muscular. loyal, and are good with children. They are clean dogs and make excellent watch dogs. They don't
bark unless there's a reason. These dogs tend to be very expressional. French bull-dogs are well-behaved. Some require
lotions for their skin. Little exercise is required and so are cold climates.
German Shepherds: Herding, 75-95 pounds. These dogs are courageous, have keen senses,
make good companions, and are active. They like to fish, hike and swim. German Shepherds are very fond of children. Most
are brave and protective. They also are territorial. These dogs, however, have a problem of being over-exercised so
keep that in mind. Also take note that they make great police dogs.
German Short haired Pointer: Sporting, Males: 55-70. Females: 45-60 pounds. These
dogs are sporting dogs. They have even tempers, are loyal, good watch dogs, and make great companions. They are both handsome
and friendly. Ear cleaning is required. They love exercise such as swimming and retrieve.
German Wirehaired Pointer: Sport, 45-75 pounds. They are an all weather dog. These
dogs are loyal, brave, and responsive. Thinning is often needed in the Spring and Fall. Ear cleaning is required. Socializing
them is needed. They are energetic hunters.
Golden Retrievers: Sporting, Males: 65-75 and females: 45-75 pounds. Their coats are
water resistant. They are easy to train, strong, outgoing, devoted and trusting. These dogs make good hunters, but are
sensitive. They are very adaptable. Goldren Retrievers don't bark much. They're friendly. Grooming and ear
cleaning is important. These dogs are recommended for strict disipline. They're very energetic.
Gordon Setters: Sporting, males: 55-80, females: 45-70. These dogs are big boned and
are sturdy. They are intelligent, and have good memories. They mature at 4 years and need plenty of exercise. They adapt easily
to kennels and are very loyal. Check ears frequently.
Great Dane: Working, 100-120 pounds. These dogs are known as the "Kings."
They are sweet, powerful and are part of the older breeds. They need plenty of space and need exercise. Great Danes
are well-behaved. One fault is that they eat a lot. They are affectionate, calm, loyal and make good watch dogs. They
don't bark much and are very friendly. Provide a soft place for them to sleep. Proper care is needed and so
is good training.
Great Pyrenees: Working, males: 100, Females: 85 pounds. The coats are weather-resistant.
These dogs are calm and serious. They're good humored and loyal as well as sensitive. They love to swim and you should avoid
long hikes until they are full grown.
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: Working. Males: 105-140 pounds, Females: 85-100 pounds.
These dogs aren't clumsy. They're clam and obedient. They're eager to work and protect. These dogs are social and are good
watch dogs. They bark infrequently and are used as tracking dogs.
Greyhounds: Hounds, Males: 60-70 Females: 60-65. These dogs are fast, smart and loving.
They're quiet indoors and love affection. They socialize and are lazy animals inside. Greyhounds have a tendency to chase
things that move quick so cats in the home aren't recommended. You should trim claws and maintain ears frequently. These dogs
need to run daily and are easy to train.
Havanese: Toy, 7-13 pounds. Non-shedding breed of dogs that are liveky, affectionate
and happy. They do well socially, are easy to please and don't require a lot of exercise. These dogs are playful.
Ibizan Hound: Hound, Males: 50. They are strong, fast, and like to jump. These dogs
are adaptable, affectionate, calm, obedient and brave hunters. Ibizans are good with children too. Some of
the males may try to be dominan, but they are quick to learn. They are sensitive and require a lot of exercise.
Irish setters: Sporting, Males: 70 Females: 60 pounds. They are loyal, friendly, protective,
loving and most like children. They mature themselves when they reach years old. Irish Setters love attention as well
as exercise. They are lively, energetic, playful, and barking is infrequent. Trimming of the hair may be required.
Irish Terriers: Male 27, Females: 25. These dogs make good pals. They are loyal,
friendly, make good guard dogs, and playmates. Irish Terriers have a habit of wanting to fight with other dogs.
They may need their hair trimmed and ears cleaned. These terriers require a lot of training and exercise.
Irish Water Spaniel: Sporting, Males: 55-65 and Females: 45-58. These dogs have oily
coats. They make good watch dogs as well as family dogs. You can put the "curl" back in their coat by allowing
them to swim. They love to swim, retrieve and go for walks.
Italian Greyhound: Toy, 7-14 pounds. These dogs are fun, playful, loyal and love
attention. They get along great with other animals as well as each other. Having more then one is sometimes best. You
should check their teeth often for tartar. They are very fragile dogs until about 18 months old. They
enjoy running.
Jack Russel Terriers: Terriers, 13-17 pounds. There are two kinds of dogs,
Smooth and Rough haired. Both types are brave, make good hunters of fox and raccoons, are fun, clean, bold and
clever. Despite it's size, it's very brave and lovable. They require a lot of attention and are energetic. They
get along great with others, but require lots of exercise.
Japanese Chin: Toy, 4-7 pounds. Clean, Tidy, and playful dogs. They like
to be center of attention. They love to play, but are very adaptable.
Keeshond: Non-Sporting, Males: 45, Females: 35 pounds. They are happy, affectionate,
and love children. They are up beat, loyal and watchful dogs. Keeshonds are easy to train and are adaptable.
Kerry Blue Terriers: Terrier, Males: 33-40, Females: 30-35. These dogs are born black.
They make great hunters, guards, kill rodents well, and are used to herd. They also have served as police dogs in England.
Kerry Blues are social, but tend to like to be the only dog in the family. They don't require lots of exercise.
Komondor: Working, Males: 80, Females: 70. These dogs have corded coats that should
be maintained. They are dominant dogs who are serious. Their ancestors protected sheep. They love exercise and are protective
and loyal. You should keep in mind to never brush the coat and only bathe when needed. They live to have a purpose.
Kuvasz: Working, Males: 110-115, Females: 70-90. They are protective, brave, and strong
dogs. They are extraprotective of children. Kuvaszs are extraprotective of children. They do, however, need lots of space
to run.
Labrador Retrievers: Sporting, Males: 65-80. Females: 55-70. Their coats are weather-resistant.
They are eager, hardworking, playful, and loyal. They are used as guides, search in rescue dogs and for narcotic detection.
Labs make poor watch dogs. These dogs are very adaptable.
Lakeland Terrier: Terriers, 17 pounds. These dogs have Water-resistant coats
are frisky, fun, and love to play. They make good watch dogs and socialble adaptable animals.
Lhaso Apsos: Non-Sporting, 13-15 pounds. These dogs don't like to be pampered. They
are proective and are playful, calm, loyal and lovable. Lhasos are friendly with other animals and can be sensitive. They
are adaptable animals.
Lowchens: Non-Sporting, 8-18 pounds. These dogs are alert, smart, affectionate, and
never aggressive. You may have to maintain their puffs. Lots of exercise isn't needed.
Maltese: Toy, 4-7 pounds. These dogs are very social, like to have a lot of attention,
need a lot of grooming and many require ointment for eyes. They don't shed much and are sensitive and very adaptable.
Manchester Terrier: Terrier 12-22 pounds. These dogs are protective, happy, shy and
are great family dogs. They are good with kids, dominant of other dogs and make great watch dogs. They're also good with obedience
and need plenty of exercise.
Mastiffs: Working, 175-190. They are gentle, loyal, and make good watch dogs. They
need lots of company and should live a country lifestyle. Mastiffs are gentle, protective, and good with others. They need
good bedding, and need an excellent amount of nutrition. Despite their average amount of exercise.
Miniature Bull Terriers: Terrier, 25-33 pounds. They act exactly like a Bull Terrier,
but are smaller.
Miniature Doberman Pinschers: Toy, Just like a Doberman Pinscher only smaller.
New Foundland: Working, Males: 13-150 pounds. Females: 100-120 pounds. They have a
greasy and water-resistant coat. They are very expressional, calm, patient animals. New Foundlands need a human companion
to be happy. They also love to swim and require a lot of room because of their size. You should avoid long walks until full-grown.
Norfolk Terriers: Terriers, 11-12 pounds. These dogs are spunky, smart and full of
energy. They are also outgoing, and friendly to all animals. The dog is cheerful and lively. They also love to dig, but exercise
habits can be adaptable.
Norwich Terriers: Terriers, 12 pounds. These dogs are quick, sharp and love to exercise.
They are both loyal and affectionate as well as cheerful and playful. They love to dig, but exercise is adaptable.
Old English Sheepdog: Herding. Males: 70-90, Females: 60-80 pounds. They have
waterproof coats that are blue/white colored. They are lovable, a lot of exercise is needed. They are good in all types
of weather and are very social.
Otterhound: Hounds. Males: Males: 115, Females: 80 pounds. They have big appetities
and are strong. They need exercise and love people. They are affectionate, lively and friendly. Clipping of the coat is not
allowed. They love to hunt and run.
Papillon: Toy, 9-10 pounds. Papillon means "Butterfly" in French. They are loyal and
pretty much inside dogs. They are also very trainable. These dogs can get jealous, but are very friendly. Ear cleaning
should be maintained. These animals are adaptable.
Pekingese: Toy, 14 pounds. These dogs are named after the city of Peking which
is now known as Beijing. The legend is that this dog is an offspring of a monkey and a lion. They need a good brushing.
They are both noble and affectionate, They aren't recommended with small children. Little exercise is needed.
Petite Basset Griffon Vandeen: Hound, 25-35 pounds. Came into the U.S. in 1980. It
is not related to the Basett hound. This type of dog is more of a terrier. It requires a lot of exercise, although not a whole
lot. It also needs a lot of attention. They are friendly too.
Paraoh Hound: Hound, 44-55, These dogs are easy to train. They are playful, active
and they love attention. They make excellent watch dogs too. Paraohs are loyal, as well as brave. They make great hunters
and the males to to be dominant. A lot of exercise is required.
Pointer: Sporting, Males: 55-75 pounds, Females: 45-65 pounds. These dogs are best
known for being ready to action. They are independent, and competitive. Pointers have a lot of strength and courage and aren't
always recommended for small children. They are, however, seet and gentle. They tend to be easily distracted. Always exercise
these dogs in a good amount; they make great bird dogs.
Pomeranian: Toy, 8-11 pounds. These dogs are described as a spark plug because
they are bold and fearless as well as happy. They are extremely loyal, but tend to like the company of children to a minimum.
These dogs like to bark and play in the yard.
Poodle: Non-sporting, 45-65 pounds. These dogs are easy to train.
They are alert, responsive, sensitive and easy to please. Some poodles bark a lot. They bond easy with people. The Giant and
standard poodles need lots of exercise and enjoy hunting. The toys and minis are adaptable.
Portugese Water dog: Working, Males: 42-60 pounds, Females: 35-50 pounds. These dogs
don't shed. They're very adaptable. They don't tire easily and are very trainable. These dogs love the water and to be socialized
with others. Their best known for their retrieving, swimming, and competitiveness.
Pugs: Toy, 14-18 pounds. These dogs are easy going, social, smart and calm. They tend
to become jealous if their owner is not giving them the attention that they want. They are friendly and loving. Pugs often
require a special lotion that is used on their faces. They like cool conditions and love to play.
Puli: Herding, 23-35 pounds. These dogs have a weatherproof dense coat. It was originally
a Hungarian breed. It is known for its corded coat. These dogs are active, alert and make good watch dogs
as well as good hunters. They are loyal, and easy to train. They do well at obedience. Pulis also are
non-aggressive. They aren't always recommended for small children. Their coat requires special grooming and you
should always wet it before trying to maintain it. These dogs like lots of exercise.
Rat Terrier: Terriers, 12-35 pounds. Small, smart and great for sports. They make
great companions and are loyal, loving and make great hunters as well as comedians. They are low maintenance and are very
affectionate. They have unlimited amounts of energy and are easy to train.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Hounds, Males: 80 pounds, Females: 70 pounds. These dogs are
bred to hunt, guard and protect. They are proud and are full of courage. They are loving, especially to kids. They also love
Rottweiler: Working, Males: 80-135 pounds, Females: 80-100 pounds. They are always
black and brown. They guard well and love exercise. These dogs love a good challenge and are into outdoor sports. Rottweilers
are brave, loyal, obedient and love to swim aw well as run.
St. Bernards: Working, 120-200 pounds. These dogs are best known for being rescue
workers in the Alps between Switzerland and Italy. They love children and have awesome personalities. They need an average
amount of exercise.
Saluki: Hounds, 35-65 pounds. These dogs are quiet
inside and very active outside. They're very shy and not usually good around other animals. They need a lot of exercise
and aren't always obedient.
Samoyed: Working, Males: 45-65 pounds, Females: 35-50 pounds. These dogs appear to
be "smiling." They are fun, love the snow and love to bark. They are often dominant around other males. They are good hunters.
Keep in mind that too much brushing causes the coat harm.
Schipperke: Nonsporting, 12-16 pounds. These dogs have a "can-do" attitude. They are
bold, brave and are desicion makers. These dogs are very adaptable and attach easy.
Schnauzers: Working, 65-90 pounds. Their main occupation is being police dogs. They
are loyal, alert, and friendly. These dogs need a lot of exercise.
Mini Schnauzers: Terriers, 13-15 pounds.
Standard Schnauzers: Working, Males: 40-45 pounds, Females: 35-40 pounds
Scottish Deerhounds: Hounds, Males: 85-100 pounds, Females: 75-95 pounds. They are
trusting, love people and are very sensible. They learn quick, but require lots of exercise.
Scottish Terriers: Terriers, Males: 19-22 pounds, Females: 18-21 pounds. They are
often loyal, playfuil, and adaptable to their surroundings. Keep in mind that they love to dog.
Scottish Terrier: Terrier, Males: 19-22, Females: 18-21 pounds. These dogs are loyal,
playful and very adaptable. They love to dig.
Sealytian Terrier: Terrier, Males: 23-24, Females: 18-22. These dogs have weather-resistant
coats. They are good humored and love people. They love to perform and make good watch dogs. They are both playful
and friendly. They require less exercise then most terriers. If you spoil them too much they can become nippy
and bossy.
Shetland Sheepdog: Herding, 20 pounds. These dogs are adaptable. They get easily attached.
They're smart and gentle. They're both loyal and happy. They perform in various dog sports.
Shiba Inu: Nonsporting, 20-30 pounds. These dogs are indoor dogs. They act
like cats and wash their faces with their paws. They're great bird catchers too. They're also cheerful, curious and are easily
house trained. Shibas love to play.
Shihtzu: Toy, 9-16 pounds. These dogs are sweet and playful. They're spunky and
don't like hot weather. They need to be groomed daily. Shihtzus are not as outgoign and seldomly bark, Be sure to keep their hair
out of the eyes. These dogs don't require a lot of exercise.
Shiloh Shepherd: Herding, Males: 140-160, Females: 100-120 pounds. They come in two
varieties Plush (long) and Smooth (Short) haired. They are similar to German Shepherds, but are larger and heavier. They are
much calmer. These dogs are courageous and protective. They are known for shedding a lot. Shilohs are easy to train and you
should always try to prevent them from boredom.
Siberian Husky: Working, Males: 45-60 pounds and Females: 35-50 pounds. These dogs
have a higher build then Malamutes. They are, however, less bold. They are ancestors of the artic and are known for their
friendliness. It's better to have more then one of these dogs because they hate to be alone, These dogs need to keep busy
and require a protection from heat.
Silky Terriers: 8-11pounds. These dogs are spunky, protective, quick, upbeat,
and affectionate. They require regular grooming daily. They are known for not shedding and are quite adaptive.
Skye Terrier: Terrier, 18-20 pounds. These dogs are serious, sensitive, cautious,
and love to exercise. They love the company of children and require a good brushing. They are affectionate and good
watch dogs. They're dominant and exercising them regularly is needed.
Sloughi: Sighthounds, 45-60 pounds. These dogs are clean and wash themselves like
a cat would. They are friendly, and well-behaved. They'r equiet and like to sleep but are active outdoors.
Soft-Coat Wheaten Terrier: Terrier, Males: 35-45, Females: 30-40. These dogs
like to play games, children and are very social. They are lean and active. They are known for being non-shedders and
require moderate exercise.
South Russian Ovcharka: 108-110 pounds and are outstanding, independent and are quick.
They are unusual looking. They are sweet, protective, courageous and shed a lot. Their activity is low.
Spinone Italiano: Gun dogs, 6-82 pounds. They are hunters and are good in
all kinds of conditions. Their coat is protective. They make great swimmers and retrievers. Spinones are
friendly but can be stubborn. They need lots of exercise.
Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Sporting, Males: 25-38 pounds, Females: 23-35.
These dogs are smart, lean, and courageous. They love to chew and exercise. They can be difficult to work with and like
to bark. Bull Terriers love kids. They enjoy rough play, smart and like to run.
Sussex Spaniels: Sporting, 40-44 pounds. Their coat is weather resistant. They have
serious expressions, love family and children. They don't require a lot of exercise, but love to swim and retrieve.
Swedish Vallhund: Herding, 25-35 pounds. These dogs are powerful, strong,
and may nip heels if overly spoiled. They bark a lot, are even tempered and very smart. The Vallhunds love attention
and love to show off. They're very active dogs.
Thai Ridgeback: Mastiff, 51-75 pounds. These dogs are gentle watchdogs. They are smart
and make great protectors. They can be aggressive with other dogs. They love to hunt and be active.
Tibetan Mastiff: Mastiff, 140-170 pounds. Aloof, protective, territorial and gentle
are some of the Tibetans qualities. They are gentle and sociable. Although they love moderate exercise, jogging should be
avoided due to their joints. These dogs can be snappy and must be obedient.
Tibetan Spaniel: Non-Sporting, 9-15 pounds. Despite their size, they are not lap dogs.
They are brave and make good watch dogs. Keep in mind that they are reserved and very trainable. Tibetan Spaniels love exercise.
Tibetan Terrier: Nonsporting, 18-30 pounds. These are companion dogs. They are happy
and are known for acting like cats. They also have quiet barks and are qute friendly. Keep in mind that they can be dominate
with other dogs. Daily grooming is needed. They have boundless energy.
Tosa Inu: Mastiff, Males: 120-170 pounds, Females: 90-140 pounds. These dogs require
good training and make great pets. They can be aggressive, but have a good acceptance of children. They are patient, fearless,
bold creatures. They are bred to be quiet since Japanese fighting dogs require the dog to fight silently. Not a good idea
to leave these dogs alone with children because of their size. They make great protectors but require a lot of training and
Tree-Walker Coonhound: Hound, 50-70. These dogs are easy to train. They're hard workers
and great hunters. They love attention, but are high strung. They have a good sense of smell and a loud howl. Lots of
exercise is needed.
Vizsla: Sporting, 45-65 pounds. These dogs are full of energy. They are quick to learn
and are loyal. They enjoy field sports and love to run. Vizslas are very friendly.
Weimaraner: Sporting, 70-85 pounds. These dogs are bold and smart. They love
all and serve as great protectors. Moderate exercise is best.
Welsh Corgi Cardigans: Herding, Males: 30-38, Females: 24-34 pounds. The have a restriction
on the coat that it can not exceed more then 30% white. These dogs need to keep busy. They adapt well and are even tempered.
They tend to be serious dogs and serve as great mouse catchers. They are brave, smart, loyal and reckless with other dogs.
They love frisbee.
Welsh Corgi Pembroke: Herding, Males: 27, Famales: 25 pounds. These dogs have water
resistant coats. They are lovely and love to travel. They are obedient and adaptable. They originated from Britain
in the late 1930s. These dogs are alert and don't like to be teased. Pembrokes have a lot of energy.
Welsh Springer Spaniel: portign, 35-45 pounds. These dogs are affectionate,
devoted and smaller then English Springer spaniels, but stronger then Cocker spaniels. Their coats are red and white.
They're easy goign dogs who get along well with others. Wesl Spaniels require a lot of exercise.
Welsh Terrier: Terrier, Males: 35-40 pounds, Females: 30-35 pounds. These dogs are zippy
entertainers who enjoy rides, swimming and are very well-mannared. They are known for being easy going, cheerful
and patient. Keep in mind that they can be dominant to other dogs. They need moderate exercise, but like to stay
Westhighland White Terrier: Terrier, 15-21 pounds. These dogs are always white in
appearance. They are smart, spunky, and make great hunters. They are fast as well as devoted. They also tend to be mischievous. These
terriers are playful, alert and can be stubborn. Highlands enjoy rough play. It's recommended to only wash their coats when
needed. They are known for being naughty. They love to run and wander.
Whippet: Hound, 20-40 pounds. These dogs are fast and can run at speeds up
to 35 mph. They tend to be quiet inside, and very active outside. They are smart and lively. Just like a Greyhound,
they love to chase. Very tolerant dogs with a great training ability. They love to race and hunt.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon: Sporting, 50-60 pounds. These dogs are gentle, and
enjoy the country life. They require high exercise and love to run and swim. Thet tend to be sensitive, so keep
this in mind. They are very obedient dogs who are good with all who are respectful. They were bred for hunting and need
a lot of room to burn off energy.
Yorkshire Terrier: Toy, 7 pounds. These dogs shouldn't be treated as if they were
delicate. They don't like to be pampered. They love to play and are full of energy. They are loyal, lively and need to be
groomed daily. You should keep hair out of their eyes with a bow. These dogs are very adaptable.